Friday, April 08, 2011

Taking a positive view

I was so pleased to hear someone else taking a positive tone; Jackie Orme, CIPDs Chief Executive in their new look magazine comments on the importance of self-esteem & confidence. There’s a need for HR professionals to raise their game in promoting the role of people, morale and investment in skills. As Jackie puts it, “as individuals HR professionals we can’t single-handedly rebuild the confidence of a nation. But we can make a difference to the ambition and culture of self-belief in our own organisations”.

And I believe it’s not just up to HR professionals, we can all do our bit. We can all make a difference to our own self-belief and infuse some into others too.

The media love negative headlines and often what you see or think about is what you get. So stop focussing on the "can't dos" and look for what you can do.

One small step:
Find a positive message, or quote and put it somewhere prominent to remind you as you start each day.

There's always something positive, even in adversity, if you look hard enough.

Happy hunting.


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